How Are We Going to Stay in Community During Social Distancing?

This is not really much of a Pastor’s Blog post but more of an advertisement and survey of what we can do to stay connected during this time of social distancing. During this very unique time it is going to require great imagination and creativity so that we can continue being the Church in a time of crisis. So let’s … Read More

This is Us – November 14th, 2019

I am probably one of the few people I know that hasn’t seen the hit NBC show, This is Us. I know a lot of people love this show, but I just haven’t seen it. It has a 94% Rotten Tomato rating, but I haven’t seen it. It is the second-most-watched primetime television show for ages 18-49 (7.16 million viewers), but I … Read More

God Doesn’t Want Your Offering! – October 31st, 2019

God doesn’t want your offering! Yes, you heard me right. In Isaiah 1:10-18, the prophet Isaiah speaks on the behalf of God to say that the offerings, sacrifices, worship, and even prayers of the Israelites is not what God wants. Instead, God desires that they do good, avoid evil, and seek justice. For as long as I have been a … Read More

The Game of Life: How to Win – October 24th, 2019

Whenever I play a new board game, my first step is to immediately scan the instructions for the section that is usually labeled “How to Win”. Why? Becuase I play to win! The “How to Win” section describes how the game is won and helps you to establish goals. In the board game, The Game of Life, the “How to … Read More

The Game of Life: Revenge – October 17th, 2019

Do you remember the “Revenge” space on the board game, The Game of Life? Depending on your answer to that question, I could probably guess how old you are. The game as most of us know it was released in 1960 by Reuben Klamer and Bill Markham. It included spaces like “Revenge” and “The Poor Farm”, but has seen many … Read More